Ready to sign up for an adult class?
Simply click the blue Register button on the table below!
Want to jump in to our Adult Open Gym Program instead? You can do so in 3 easy steps!
Step 1: Register in our system.
Simply click the blue Register link below to become part of our Adult Program. You can enter a credit card which will be stored in our system and used for your Open Gym Punch Cards.
Step 2: Use the QR code to download the Akrosphere App onto your mobile device!
PLEASE NOTE: You must download the Akrosphere App to attend Adult Open Gym at Akrosphere. Payment cards can not be run on site; using the app is the only option for attending Adult Open Gym at Akrosphere. Thank you for your cooperation.
Step 3: Purchase Drop-Ins or Punch Cards through the app!
Log in to our app.
At the bottom of the screen, click the “three lines” Menu.
Punch Cards will appear at the top of the list.
Please note that we charge the standard 7.75% Georgia Tax
Single Open Gym Drop-in: $20
1-month Unlimited Adult Open Gym: $60
(good for 30 days from purchase)
Akrosphere: Aerial Silks Classes for Adults
A note from Jen, “Head Monkey Wrangler” of Akrosphere Aerial & Circus Arts:
With aerial apparatuses, the upper body is used the most, and the forearms can definitely start to burn after not being used for a while. I found a great video online that shows you how to do a self massage for your forearm muscles using the peanut roller and lacrosse ball. We know many of you have these from the Zoom lessons, but if you don’t, any hard ball will do the trick! We do recommend everyone has these because they can be so useful in helping your body feel like new again. And, as always, your coaches are here to help show you how to use them. Heres the link for the forearm massage video: Forearm and Tendonitis Massage and Stretch with NeeBooFit Massage Balls
Join us for the best Aerial Silks classes around!