Best Face Masks for Exercising

Hello everyone and happy Sunday!

As per the recommendations of the CDC, we are now requiring all Fall Session students to wear face masks to class. Many of you have had questions as to how safe that actually is. The students will be wearing face masks when they walk into the building and when they walk to into class. They will continue to wear them during large group time, like warm up and then again at cool down. When they get on the apparatuses, they are able to remove them, as long as they put the mask back on once they are back on the floor. We can guarantee that our coaches train in them and would never want any of the kiddies to be in an unsafe situation. 

Jen was great enough to find an article that lists the best face masks to use while exercising. You can read the article here: Best face mask for exercising in 2020, according to experts. *You DO NOT need to purchase a face mask from this list. Any face covering will do, we just thought it would be a nice idea to share. Please use whichever mask you are most comfortable with your child wearing.*

Face masks are great and all, but don’t forget to wash your hands!!!

Catch you next time!
