Conditioning at Home: Habits for Circus Artists

Hello everyone and happy Sunday!

Our Fall Session starts next week! That means you will have been out of circus practice for at least a few weeks. We’ve talked before about how muscles can actually start to weaken pretty quickly when you don’t use them. That is why it is so important for everyone to develop healthy Home Habits! 

Home Habits are the things you do at home to keep your body healthy and strong! It’s great to always want your body to be healthy and strong in general, but it’s extremely important for people who are as active as hopeful circus stars like yourselves! Eating healthy is a huge component, but so is keeping up your training at home. I am attaching a link to the full body, no equipment CIRCUS WORKOUT! It’s a cardio/endurance workout that incorporates upper and lower body strength, and some ab/core strength at the end! And the best part is that you’ll actually get to follow along with me!! Here’s the link: CIRCUS WORKOUT – No Equipment/Full Body

I hope you are able to exercise at least once this coming week, to get your body ready for class, but the video will always be there if you ever miss a class and want something to do at home, or if you’re ever just bored and need something to do! Also, be on the lookout for some extra workouts on our Instagram this week!

As always, if you have any questions about the workout or modifications, or anything else, I’m here to help everyone with everything, so do not hesitate to reach out. See you guys soon!

Catch you next time!
