Circus in Atlanta: Paper Doll Militia

Hi, everybody!  We’ve come to Week 3 of our Circus in Atlanta series!  Did you get a chance to see Cirque Eloize or Marvel Universe LIVE?  I sure hope so!  This week is devoted to a small American contemporary circus company called Paper Doll Militia.  Formed in 2006 in Santa Fe, New Mexico over cups of coffee and poetry by Tim Burton, Paper Doll Militia was born of four artists.  Their mission statement reads: “The Paper Doll Militia purpose is to enrich the cultural life of the community through dynamic movement, storytelling and education.  We seek to create a total visual and emotional experience.  In the creation process, we emphasize interdisciplinary collaborations within the larger artistic community,  Our educational programs focus on aerial skill building and theatricality and are designed to instill a sense of discipline. creativity, and empowerment.”

Today, they have headquarters in both Los Angeles and Edinburgh, Scotland.  Known for being pioneers in original aerial theater, they pride themselves on their aesthetic, which they’ve described as being dreamy, whimsical, and dark.  This week, you can catch them at 7Stages in Atlanta as they present their newest work, “Warped”, from February 21-24.  Now folks, I have not seen their show and cannot speak as to the level of appropriateness for small children.  My guess is that a more mature audience would appreciate this show, but again, I cannot say.  As per 7Stages:

“Warped is a new Circus theater production that investigates concepts of Time. The aerial apparatus was custom designed for the show. They resemble the inner workings of a giant clock and function as onstage mechanisms to raise and lower pulleys and control the other apparatus. The story centers around a man whose loved one is dying, and is therefore driven to understand mysteries of time in order to stave off Death.  His investigation propels him into an otherworldly environment where he meets the Catalyst, Death, and Infinity. The concepts of the show address human nature’s complex relationship to our own mortality, as well as our inherent desire to control Time and the consequences that ensue.

This production is a true blending of circus arts and physical theater, balancing high skilled acrobatics with physical acting and attention to narrative. The show also utilizes projection and shadow work, and features original music composition.  It has been lovingly crafted in Los Angeles and is in its final stages of creation.”

For ticket sales and more information, please check out Alright, my lovelies, that wraps up our third installment of Circus in Atlanta, and there’s one more post headed your way!  Next week, I’ll be introducing you to UniverSoul Circus, an energetic and lively example of traditional Circus that’s still going strong in America!  Stay warm and dry until then!   ~Angelica 0=)