The Mighty Plank: The How

Hi, everyone!  As promised, this week, we’re going to delve into the “how” of one of my favorite conditioning exercises ever: the plank!  Last week, we talked about the benefits of this amazing exercise, so let me school you on how you can start reaping those benefits!  And so…

  • Start at the top of a pushup position, on the hands and not the elbows
  • Hands should be directly under the shoulders, with fingers outstretched and the whole perimeter of the palm (I call this the “suction cup”) in contact with the floor
  • Legs and ankles should be squeezed together, as should your tush
  • Body should be totally flat, like a plank of wood.  Make sure the shoulders aren’t too rounded and that the lower back is not dipping toward the floor
  • Belly button should be pulled in and up to the ceiling (but not too much – again, we’re trying to maintain a flat position, not a rounded position)
  • You know those muscles that you squeeze when you have to pee but can’t get to a bathroom?  If I’m not being too visual or crude, we call those the Kegels…yeah, squeeze those too
  • Gaze should be about 12″ in front of your hands so that your head is in line with your spine
  • Got all that?  Great!  Now HOLD!!!  In class, my students hold this position for 1 minute, but I’d rather see you hold this position with rock solid technique for less time than be a saggy/arched sack for 1 minute.

And now, here are a BAZILLION variations if you want to spice up your plank routine, as provided by Health Magazine!

Happy Planking,

Angelica 0=)