Leveling up: How do I get to Level 2…continued!

Hi there!  Now that we’ve all eaten ourselves sick from turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie, it’s time to get back to work in the circus gym!  Two weeks ago, I talked about the Holy Grail of aerial conditioning: the Almighty Pull-Up, and this week, I’m giving 21 whole days of pull-ups, courtesy of aerial queen, Laura Witwer, of SassyPants Aerial Arts!  Let that marinate for a second, breathe it in…yes, 21 DAYS OF PULL-UPS.  This gives your little ones plenty of time to ramp up their strength training regimen right before the start of the next session at Akrosphere!  Here goes, y’all:

(For full articles, click here: https://www.laurawitwer.com/2012/02/07/21-days-of-pull-ups/)

A few rules: 1) don’t hurt yourself. Work hard, but be mindful of pushing to injury. 2) Use a chair underneath you to assist as necessary, helping you to complete the full range of motion. 3) be exceedlingly conscious of maintaining proper form: lats engaged (shoulders pulled down and away from the ears), joints in line. If you experience anything more than normal muscle soreness and fatigue, stop immediately and consult a medical professional.

Day 1 – Regular forward grip, hands a little wider than shoulders. 10 reps.

Day 2 – Chin-ups. Palms facing you, directly in front of the shoulders. 10 reps.

Day 3 – Palms facing in (if your pull-up bar allows this). 10 reps.

Day 4 – Halfsies – from totally straight arms, pull half way up. 10 reps.

Day 5 – Halfsies – from half-way up, pull up the rest of the way. 10 reps.

Day 6 – Rest.

Day 7 – Regular pull-ups. 10 reps.

Day 8 – Slooooooooooooooooooooow pull-ups. 3 reps.

Day 9 – Chin-ups. 10 reps.

Day 10 – Sloooooooooooow descent – from the top of the pull-up, lower down very slowly. 5 reps.

Day 11 – Rest.

Day 12 – Palms facing in. 10 reps.

Day 13 – Wide grip pull-ups. 10 reps.

Day 14 – Stand under bar, facing side. Palms facing in. Pull-up, bringing head to one side of the bar, then the other. 10 reps.

Day 15 – Halfsies – chin ups, straight arms to half way up. 12 reps.

Day 16 – Halfsies – chin ups, half way up to the top. 12 reps.

Day 17 – Rest.

Day 18 – Regular pull-ups. 12 reps.

Day 19 – Regular chin-ups. 12 reps.

Day 20 – Palms facing in. 12 reps.

Day 21 – One-armed chin-ups. Palm facing you, grip your wrist with your other hand for additional support. 1 rep each side. Don’t hurt yourself.