Rest Week…At Last!

Hey, Akrosphere peeps!  Thanks for joining me on another blog adventure!  Now that the end of the Fall session is over, we’re entering into a vast and strange territory known as…holiday break.  >=O (<- that’s my old school typed out “surprised” emoji, complete with open jaw and furrowed brow lol) If you haven’t taken a peek at a calendar in a while, you’re probably not aware that we don’t have circus classes for THREE WHOLE WEEKS!!!  Holy Toledo, that’s a long time to go without your circus fix! But the good news is that this week, you/your children are allowed to take a rest week!  Yes, that’s right, you’re not only allowed but also encouraged to rest after going hard all session, not to mention all of the other stuff that you or your child does besides circus classes.

Rest and recovery has been proven to be a crucial part of an athletic training regimen because it allows the body to repair and strengthen itself in between workouts.  Not only that, but athletes have time to recover, both physically and psychologically, when they rest.  Was your little one frustrated with not being able to invert in the air?  Give her three weeks away from her Silks classes, and I can guarantee she’ll be dying to get back into the gym with a renewed sense of motivation and purpose!

Now, here’s the thing, though (there’s always a “thing,” isn’t there).  Rest doesn’t mean that your child gets to plop on the couch all week and do nothing physical.  They should still be active, but they should use continue to use their bodies in ways that will not tax the muscles that they’re used to using in circus class.  Let them shoot some hoops in the driveway, pick up a hula hoop for them, go for a bike ride, have them take a kid’s yoga class, or take them rock climbing!  Any of these, just to name a few, are great ways to still use their little bodies while resting their circus muscles.

Enjoy this rest week because NEXT week, I’ll go over some ways to start incorporating some at home training exercises so that your kids don’t lose all of that amazing strength they just gained this past session!


Angelica 0=)