Thanksgiving Turkey Veggie Tray

Is it really Thanksgiving already??? Seriously, where does the time go?!?! Here I was, all set to give you a continuation of the Pull-Ups blog post from last week, and I totally forgot that this week is Thanksgiving! Stop moving so fast, TIME! Anywho, I’d love to share with y’all an amazingly easy and healthy treat that your child is going to love helping prepare and eating this holiday. I give you…the Thanksgiving Turkey Veggie Tray!


What you need: an assortment of colorful vegetables that can lie flat on a round try.  In this photo, they used sugar snap peas, red bell peppers, baby carrots, and sliced cucumbers, but this is YOUR turkey – go nuts!  What you also need: a smaller bowl of your favorite dip or hummus (YUM!).  The head of the turkey is the rounded bottom of the red bell pepper, placed on top of the dip/hummus. The eyes are just seeds of coriander or black pepper corns.  And parents, you’ll probably want to carve the feet and beak (from baby carrots) yourself.  Once the head, beak, and feet have been carved, allow your little one to go to town designing their very own Thanksgiving turkey.  PS – they’re totally allowed to snack on the veggies while working on their design!  Happy Turkey Day, everyone!!!