Recovery and Rehabilitation

Hello everyone and happy Sunday!

Today, I want to talk about the ABUSE we put our bodies through. Circus is not easy, by any means! We are constantly sore or hurting from scrapes, cuts, or burns, and let’s not forget about injuries! 

In circus, pain is part of the game, especially now that we have all come back from a two week break! As you know, we begin each class with a warm up and end with a cool down, and we throw in some strength training in between. We do this to get your bodies ready and prevent injury, but it CAN NOT end there! While stretching and conditioning are very important to your practice, there is a lot more that needs to happen to make sure we can prevent a lot of these pains. That is why it is imperative that you also focus on recovery and rehabilitation. 

First, consider thermotherapy! That’s just a fancy way of saying heating and icing. Heat helps soothe stiff joints and relax muscles, while cold helps numb sharp pain and reduce inflammation. The great thing about thermotherapy is that it is very simple; you can sit for 15-20 minutes and just apply the heat or ice to the troubled area. 

Next, an epsom salt bath! What could be more relaxing than soaking in a tub for half an hour? Take a good book with you and you’re all set. Epsom salts have been used for hundreds of years to help reduce aches and pains. They work by breaking down into magnesium and sulfate that go into your body through your skin to help relax muscles and stiff joints. There are many other benefits to taking an epsom salt bath, and while many of them are considered “folk remedies” sitting in a warm bath won’t hurt you and can definitely help reduce stress!

Have you ever had a knot in your back, or your neck, or any other body part? We have foam rollers and massage balls available for any students to try at our gym either before or after class. These are great for target relief! Don’t know how to use one? Ask our teachers and they will be more than happy to lie on the floor with you and teach you some techniques, while working on our own bodies! 

The worst sort of pains we can encounter are injuries! If something feels weird, please always speak to your teacher so that we can take the measures necessary to prevent it from getting worse. I do have to say, though, that while we have been through many injuries ourselves, we are not qualified to diagnose anything. It is important that you go to a professional and seek help! Whether that means going to the doctor to get an Xray, or to a chiropractor to help get all the kinks out, we want you to do whatever possible to get the best treatment.

Finally, and I think the most important thing to mention is to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! Your body is your best source of communication when it comes to aches and pains. Sure, being sore is a way to know that your muscles are getting stronger, but you need to now your limits. Knowing when to stop will ensure that you do not make it into injury territory. And if you are sore, use any of the techniques I mentioned above to make your body go back to feeling as good as it possibly can.

Let’s stay healthy!

Catch you next week!
